Contact us
We would like to hear from you!
If you have any comments, questions and suggestions, you can always e-mail us. We look forward to resolving these issues as soon as possible.
Thank you for shopping with us!
We currently do not have a hotline. If you think a phone call would be more convenient, you can e-mail us the date and time. We would be happy to speak to you and answer your questions.
Email us:
We welcome any inquiry or concern and we look forward to addressing them the soonest time we can.
We respond to your messages according to the sequence they are received, so we hope you could give us ample time to reply to them.
Please send in your messages to:
Address :
Our offices are located at 610, 6th Floor, Block 2, Phase 1, 9 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong(Not return address)